Wednesday, 17 December 2008

SIMP Introduction

From time to time I give a introductory talk about the SIMP method. I only cover linear elasticity as the results can be more easy understand as my piezoelectricity stuff. This is an update of the older version.

This time we made a movie of my talk (45 minutes).

Here are the slides (1.3 MB)

Here is the divx movie (460 MB !!)

This is the second time I record a talk of mine. The first time I used the internal mic of the cam and as such one could not hear me but the audience. This time I used a wireless mic. We did not adjust the sound but for a first try ... on can at least understand me. The next time we shall give more attention on zooming and light conditions.

P.S.: Do you know where I could put the video online? Youtube has a 10min limit.

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